Inspiriert von Amanda von ourhumbleabowed.
Nach vielem geduldigen ausschneiden (erst mit ner rostigen Schere, dann mit dem WMF Modell aus der Küche – man kann gutes Werkzeug einen Unterschied machen) und mehreren Zwischenstops weil mir erst das durchsichtige Nylongarn ausging und dann der Filz hier mein neuestes Projekt, das seinen Platz im hoffentlich irgendwann mal gebaut werdenden Wohnzimmer finden soll:
Making of:
Die Nachlieferung des Filz (Warensendung in der Weihnachtszeit) hat übrigens so lange gedauert, dass die mit dem von selbst verblassenden Stift gemalten Markierungen alle verschwunden waren…
Technische Details
Mein Kissen ist 60 mal 40 cm groß, die Kreise haben einen Durchmesser von etwa 7cm und ich habe ziemlich genau 250 Stück verwendet
Stoff Kissen: umgeänderter Kissenbezug von TK Maxx € 1,00
Filz (waschbarer, damit ich auch länger was von der Mühe habe): ebay € 13,00
Stift der von selbst verblasst: Karstadt: € 2,50
Polygarn: Karstadt: € 2,50
gesamt: € 19,00
Hier meine E-Mail an Amanda mit der ausführlichen Beschreibug (auf Englisch):
Dear Amanda
As promised: some pictures of my first project inspired by you.
It took me forever to get done… First I ordered felt (washable, so it won’t get hurt when thrown into the washing machine, I thought after all the work that would go into the pillow it would be well worth the extra bucks for the felt). When it finally got here I cut up a pillow I got at TK Maxx (4 for € 4 which is a little more than $ 5) and got started. The disappearing marker was a nice idea, but also quite a waste… I found it just as easy to use 6 cut out circles as templates and decided not to use up the whole pen on the felt.
I started sewing and was quite happy with the progress (great advice to start with the middle!) After a while I realized that my felt circles wouldn’t be enough, so I started cutting more. I debated with myself: do I just cut up all the felt I got? It would be a waste if I don’t end up needing all the circles…
Then I ran out of the nylon thread I had decided to use since I didn’t have anything in gray and it was a Sunday and there is no shopping on a Sunday in Germany…
Once I had stocked up on thread it was time to sew again. Luckily I had decided to cut up all the felt I had. Unfortunately it still wasn’t enough. So I went to ebay and bought some more. The delivery took ten days (due to the Christmas rush and the cheap mailing method)… When it finally got here I redid all the markings which had disappeared as promised, finished the circles and closed up the pillow.
If you look at it longer you notice differences toward the edges. I guess as I kept going I got a little too obsessed about the “no gaps” part. But there is always the option of filling a few more gaps if I am really unhappy with it once I start using it (which won’t be until summer next year when our house is supposed to be built.) But I feel it’s one of those things you only notice if you stare at it looking for something wrong and not just as in “what a nice pillow in a great place.”
The numbers:
my pillow is about 24 by 15 inches big and I used about 250 circles of about 3 inches
Including felt (€ 13), magic marker (€ 2,50), thread (€ 2,50) and the pillowcase I used for fabric (€ 1) I came in just under € 20 (about $ 33).
So thanks for the inspiration, I have some more projects inspired by you on my to do list and if you like I would be happy to share those results as well…
Greetings from Germany